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Leaf & Clay

Aeonium 'Sunburst'

Aeonium 'Sunburst'

Regular price $8.00 USD
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Aeonium 'Sunburst' is an intensely variegated succulent featuring a branching growth habit, maturing into a small shrub up to 2 feet tall and wide. The white and green leaves will stress to a bright, sunny yellow in the center when contented with their growing conditions, thus giving the plant its name!

Bright sun is the key to this succulent’s signature appearance, so be sure to place it in a location where it will receive at least 6 hours of light per day. In terms of watering, its roots are sensitive to dampness, so utilize the ‘soak and dry’ method, watering thoroughly only once the soil has had a chance to completely dry. Porous soil mix in a well-draining pot will round out ‘Sunburst’s basic care.

Watch for white blooms in the summer months – although this variety is monocarpic, meaning that the flowering rosette will die back after blooming, the other branches will quickly make up for the loss! In the winter months, be sure to protect the leaves from frost, as ‘Sunburst’ is not cold hardy.

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